
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Bumped into Mr Fragrance

I am too lazy to update my blog, been reading some priority to those in my Nescafe Blogs ;)
Anyway, just wanna update on Mr Fragrance. Actually I bumped into him on the way to bakery in the morning. Our eyes met for 2 seconds, I greeted him "Hey"...guess what was his response ?

Well...nothing...he continued to walk into the Employee Entrance and pretended he never saw me or never knew me.

That bad huh...well...I dunno la, I will still say hi to him if I ever bumped into him again. To acknowledge me or not, up to him la. At least I've done my part in letting him know that I am still his friend, as I've promised him before.


Jaselee said...

Charbor, I'm yet to know this Mr. Fragrance. Sommore malu to intro that guy to me... CHEH!

Anonymous said...

It's a hard one bcoz some guys really want more then friendship,,but won't tell ya .Or if they can only really be just friends with ya,then they won't be anything grrr.
I know how ya feel i thought a cyber friend n i would be friends forever ,but we had a falling out and he doesn't talk any more :(
cheers sweety wish u n meow a nice weekend, btw im working on a love blog hehe,do log by if u have the time,,,tcz

Joez said...

Jase, Cannot disclose his identity ler, hope u understand hor.

I totally agree! But if they wanna ignore us, we can't do anything about it.
Dropped by yr blog, goodness, how many in total do u have? ;P