
Monday, March 03, 2008

Malaysia Gemilang, Rakyatnya Malang?

Everyday the newspaper / TV news is full of bias views. The so called ‘dacing’ is supposed to shown balance… justice…but what you see/read is merely showing positive stuff of BN. See liao also no mood…might as well visit opposition blogs for more true stories, scandal, corruptions…stories ‘behind the scene’. Stories that make yr blood boil…make u swear at times… KNN, govt. Chiak Lui, chiak ka pa pa !!

It’s real sad to see we still have beggars, children begging at street, homeless ppl walking in dirty clothes, sleeping at bus stops, roadside, etc.

I still remember my China grandma hit by a motor more than 10 years ago. She had a broken neck and paralysed neck down. She couldn’t move and sent to GH. She did not survived long, less than a week…cause of death was Pneumonia. Her lungs were infected and full of water. Because there was not enough special beds (which can be adjusted to slant) for patients like her, the drips into her body had filled her lungs. I am very upset. It wasn’t the accident that killed her. And worst…the guy who knocked her, hit his head, had his head X-trayed. He was advised to go home, doctor said he was fine. 3 days later, he died due to blood clot in his head. What sort of standard do we have for health and medical care? Innocent ppl who had survival chances but their lives being gambled at the hands of our govt. ?

My grandma was a very strong woman, she came from China. I believe she could still be alive if not for the inadequate resources our medical centres have…and the guy, he could probably be attending some Ceramahs and enjoying coffee with his friends. And the innocent baby girl Yok Shan who lost her hand...she can never enjoy swimming, dancing, pool games, playing piano, etc without facing challenges. I pray that our country will be more caring, more people-oriented, more humane pls!

God Bless Malaysia.

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