
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Does time heal?

When they say time will heal...does time really heal? How much time is needed ? How long do we need to wait? How long can we wait?

I don't think time me, it's the situation that heals. U can wait forever but things may not change. But if you choose to do something and take action, then you will see changes...hopefully for better.

Often, we do not have patience. With time, we might lose patience and interest. Sometimes, we get tired of we give up or look for something better. After all, we seek for why torture ourselves and go through the pain when we can have something better?

Well... some things are just hard to explain. It's what your heart really want...though your mind says another thing. Only you YOURSELF know what you really want. Only you know what makes you happy. Go for what makes you happy, try your best knowing you will not regret...rather than guess the outcomes of the 'what-ifs' later.

However, after you have tried and tried but the result is not what we you desired, perhaps it's time to move on. Perhaps, it's not meant to be. Perhaps, you are not appreciated. Perhaps you've been taken for granted. Perhaps... you deserve something/someone better.

So...waste no more time...for time does not wait for us... happiness is in our hands... Let go of the past and look forward to a better tomorrow.

Learn to forgive those who do not appreciate us, those who betrayed us, those who cheated on us, those who used us, those who misunderstood us, those who were unkind to us...forgive them just as God forgive us. Be at peace and you will find yourself at higher level and much happier state.
God bless all who have bad intentions, may they change to have good intentions before it's too late. God bless all who have negative thinking, may they be more positive and not be too quick to judge or react. May God bless all with lovingness, happiness, kindness and success in the best / positive intentions. Amen.

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